I remember being at a homegoing service where the preacher borrowed the slogan from Gatorade, “Win from within.” Hearing the phrase immediately reminded me of the Scripture: “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” (1 John 4:4) Greater is HE that is within us than he that is in the world. We have to believe what this Scripture says. There is power in the Holy Spirit that resides in us. Jesus said, “Behold, I stand at the door if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20). Can you see it? When we give Him access, He resides in us. The One who died on the cross, the One who rose up with victory in His Hand is lodged in us when we allow Him to come in. We win from within; we no longer have to look elsewhere. We tire from that search anyway. We’ve looked to men. We’ve looked to women. Sometimes we give of ourselves to people like an investment to yield a return and end up empty and desolate because we gave our virtue to a counterfeit shareholder. Maybe we thought it was our ticket out of the slump, but it turned out to be a “get-rich-quick” scheme that only burned us. We eventually pick ourselves up from that place, but significant damage is obvious. As we continue the desperate search for a break, sometimes we fail again because we don’t realize there is something more effective inside of us than the temporary thing outside of us. Constantly getting burned becomes a vicious cycle. If burned enough without dealing with the hurt or reflecting and changing, a person either falls heavy into a vice, gives up, or becomes bitter and closed off. If honest about what’s going on then one would have to admit that there’s a void inside and an innate desire to have that void filled. We become stuck because we don’t take the time to look within. You may not think to look within because you’re looking at who you are, your track record, and not looking at the One who resides within you. God is not man; He does not lie. He said that He would come if we allow Him access. He said that where His Spirit is there is liberty (2 Corinthians 3:17). He said that we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37). He is known as Jehovah Gabor (the contender with those who contend with us), Jehovah Jireh (the supplier of our needs), Emmanuel (He’s with us), Jehovah Shalom (the giver of peace), Jehovah Rapha (the healer), and many other names. All of this is within us...As we come out of the place of being stuck, remember that the spirit that is dwelling on the inside of you is more powerful than we can ever imagine. You no longer have to be stuck in an addiction, fear, or indifference. You don’t have to be stuck in bitterness either because of the lie that says things will never change. You are not destined to be unhappy. If you desire to win from within but need a place to start, pray this prayer in faith: “Father, there are some things that have happened in my life that have caused me to be stuck. Help me out of this place of stagnation. Purge me from all yokes of bondages and any bitterness. Help me know the power that lies within Your Spirit that resides inside of me. Catapult me forth into the destiny You have designed for me. I want to be the winner that You see, in Jesus’ name, Amen.” You have rights as a believer. Trust God and expect things to change. Peace and blessings, AC
We Win from Within
Updated: Mar 18, 2021