Am I alone when I say that sometimes my life feels like a major play-production and the person that is driving my car, living my life, and interacting with my friends, family members, and acquaintances is a woman who is playing me but not always playing the authentic me. The “play-production me” puts on a facade, she has a tough exterior, she doesn’t always know when to be quiet, and she is not always the most positive person. The “authentic me” is compassionate towards others, knows how to listen, looks for the positive in negative situations, and doesn’t put on a show just to be liked or draw attention.
This becomes an internal conflict, but I don’t understand why. A simple reason is fear. Because we fear the unknown so much, our fear can easily put us outside of the will of God. Fear says, “If I put the real me out there, I’m going to get hurt.” Fear also says, “If I start changing my behavior, then people are going to start talking about me, so I’d rather just go through this internal battle every day.”
God loves us so much that He didn’t give us a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind. He gave us His perfect love which casts out all fear, He empowers us to tread upon the head of the serpents and scorpions, and He gives us a sound mind because He is not the author of confusion. If we really dig deeper into this conflict, the Holy Spirit desires for us to live the life that God designed; He is the small voice that wants the God-given identity to be free. The internal conflict arises because when we accepted the Lord Jesus as our personal Savior, we were made knew from the inside. A renewal took place and it opposes everything that is not of God. The best advice that I can give you is the same advice that is speaking to me now as I write: it’s time to identify with God’s identity and let the full renewal take place from the inside-out and be empowered by the newness which is in Him.
Do you need your mind renewed?
Prayer: Father, help me to know You better. As I get to know You through your word, I will learn who I am in You. You have not given me the spirit of fear, but the spirit I have received from You is one of love, power, and a sound mind. Help me not second guess my position in You. Help me be strong in You and the power of Your might. The place in my life that battles with how I am to be, help me to refer to the identity You have given me. I tear down every lie of the enemy and ask that the lip of truth be established in my heart and in my mind. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Scripture references: 2 Timothy 1:7, Ephesians 6:10, Proverbs 12:19
